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buy the truth and do not sell it
-Proverbs 23:23
Welcome to the Polling Professor!
I've been a political consultant and pollster for over two decades. In this day and age, people seek affirmation far more than they do information.
Throughout my career, I have been asked what feels like a million questions. I simply find people are curious about campaigns, strategy, and how decisions get made. I always do my best to answer when asked, and find for some, it's truly a genuine question, and for others, well, they are never going to accept my response if it doesn't line up with what they already believe.
So this blog is for those of you who have genuine questions about the political process. If you have a genuine question about politics or campaigns that you have always wanted to ask, but didn't know where or how to, this blog is for you. Ask it, and I'll do my best to answer it. Just know that I am giving you my insight and opinion based on my 20 year career in politics. So please take it as that, my opinion.


I've spent two decades as a Political Consultant and been quoted in over 100 publications. I talk to voters every single day of my life in an attempt to know what they think rather than guess. I often get a lot of questions when people find out I work in politics, and I try and answer the best I can. So this blog is dedicated to everyday people who have questions about politics and want an honest answer.