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A thought after Super Tuesday

Nikki Haley FINALLY drops out.

One immediate thought I'll drop using the following to articles from this morning.

"Haley attained some clear successes from her campaign even as she will not be the nominee. She was the last one standing against Trump in a GOP field that included a dozen candidates at its peak. As her campaign continued, she pointed to the roughly quarter or more of Republican primary voters who supported her as evidence of voters’ discontent with Trump becoming the nominee." - The Hill 3/6/24

Success? I don't know about that. Had Haley stayed in and not gone after Trump so aggressively, maybe. But she spent her entire campaign talking about why Trump was horrible rather than talking about her own resume and accomplishments. As I've discussed before, not a good idea unless you actually have a chance to win, something she never did.

"Roughly" A quarter of the vote? Is that a success? I'd easily argue that point too with this....

"Nearly 20% of Minnesota Democratic voters opted to vote “uncommitted” in Tuesday’s presidential primary. More than 45,000 voters cast their ballots for “uncommitted” ― over twice the number of those voting for Biden challenger Rep. Dean Phillips (Minn.), who received a little fewer than 19,000 votes. Last week, Michigan similarly registered 100,000 “uncommitted” votes, more than 13% of the total turnout, against Biden." - The Huffington Post 3/6/24

Haley got "roughly" the same percentage of vote that the Anti Biden crowd is getting. In other words, the number from both primaries is similar. I'll give you that the Haley number is probably higher, but again folks, in any primary, I never expect a candidate to win with 90% or more, there is ALWAYS going to be a protest vote or an anti vote or whatever you'd like to call it.

In other words, change the name or the candidate and it's still the same folks. Haley Nikki would have gotten the same percentage that Nikki Haley did.

And this folks, is why the way you run your campaign is so critically important. Nikki Haley is seen more unfavorably than Trump if you can believe that. And this is a huge problem for Republicans.

Remember Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and other up comers who ran for the GOP Nomination? It didn't turn out well for them or the GOP. Now we can add Nikki Haley, and probably Ron DeSantis, to that list. Once promising GOP candidates who just couldn't let go and sunk themself in the process.

I have more thoughts of course, mainly that Trump is indeed your likely next President, but I'll address that one in another upcoming post.



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